Below you will find the list of topics that we will cover during your new client appointment:

By 10 years ago

Overview Evaluation

Your health goals
Your unique history
Your current health issues and medication use
Your current bone health status and fracture history
Your current diet, supplements, and exercise programs
Your digestion, stress level and response
Your pH balance
Your relevant medical test results

Bone Density Analysis

Charting your bone density changes over time
Putting bone density changes in the relevant context of your life stage, medical history, and lifestyle
Estimating the degree of menopausal bone loss, if applicable
Distinguishing current on-going bone loss from past bone loss
Recommendations for medical tests to evaluate your current rate of bone breakdown
Overall evaluation of bone loss rate—normal to excessive
Your bone density as it relates to real fracture risk

Assessment of the Causes of Bone Loss / Bone Weakening

Vitamin D adequacy assessment
Signs and symptoms of your nutrient adequacy
Diet and supplement program assessment
Bone depleting lifestyle factors
Worry, stress and emotional factors
Medications and medical issues
Medical test suggestions for detecting hidden causes of bone loss

Development of Your Personalized Better Bones,
Better Body® Program

Individualized nutrient supplement program
Program to reduce anti-nutrients and bone depleting factors
Alkaline for Life® diet modification to meet your needs
Workable lifestyle modifications
Customized exercises to meet your needs and preferences
Stress reduction, hormonal and emotional balance suggestions
Adrenal enhancement program, as necessary
Program to enhance immunity and reduce inflammation, as needed
Digestion enhancement and detoxification program, as needed

Learn more about my Personal Consultation services:

I’m Dr. Susan E Brown. I am a clinical nutritionist, medical anthropologist, writer and motivational speaker. Learn my time-tested 6 step natural approach to bone health in my online courses.