25 positive intentions

By 10 years ago


I find with all the negativity out there today, I like to start the day looking in the mirror and telling myself a positive intention for my day.

I also know two life-long friends who call each other first thing in the morning to share a wonderful intention with each other.

Whatever way you choose to do it, putting attention to positive thoughts makes them mighty and gives you a powerful start on achieving them!

Here are 25 of my favorite positive intentions

  1. The wise say there are only two basic emotions — love and fear. Today it is my intention to recognize my own fear and move beyond it.
  2. There is only one time and that is “Now.”  Today I step into the Now with fuller awareness.
  3. Today it is my intention to give my full attention to whatever I am doing.
  4. What I put my attention to grows stronger in my life.  Today I put my attention on the positive aspects of my life.
  5. Today I deliberately look for at least five things to feel good about.
  6. It is my intention to look into the eyes of each person I interact with today.
  7. Today I will eat in a calm and relaxed fashion, noting the unique texture and taste of my food.
  8. Today it is my intention to stop and take five deep breaths when I first wake in the morning and as I fall asleep.
  9. I affirm that I am a unique person making my own unique contribution to the universe.
  10. Today I will remember that everything happens for a reason, and eventually I will see that the reason is good.
  11. Today I will remember that expectation dictates outcome and I will pay attention to my expectations.
  12. Beliefs are thoughts we repeat over and over. Today I will reconsider my beliefs about at least one thing.
  13. Today it is my intention to sit and explore silence for three minutes, twice a day.
  14. There are no spare parts in the Universe. Today I take time to appreciate my contribution to all that is.
  15. Today I will practice an act of random kindness.
  16. Each of us is a universe unto ourselves unknowable by others. Today I will resist judging anyone.
  17. Today I will say yes to life, I will let life dance through me without resisting the flow of life. I will go with the flow.
  18. Today I will nourish the “expansive” feelings of love and I will note and set aside “contracting,” fearful thoughts.
  19. Today I’ll take 10 minutes to deliberately walk with awareness, noticing the feel of each step and the movement of my body.
  20. Today it is my intention to ask and listen to my inner guide about a few important issues.
  21. Today I will be silent for 10 minutes and listen to my inner guide.
  22. Today I will slow down, create space, and listen to the wisdom within me.
  23. Today I recognize that I am an infinite choice maker. I will stop and deliberately consider my next food choice.
  24. Breathing deeply in stillness for five minutes, I will energize my body and soul today.
  25. Today I will give a smile or a kind word to those I meet.

What is your favorite intention?


I’m Dr. Susan E Brown. I am a clinical nutritionist, medical anthropologist, writer and motivational speaker. Learn my time-tested 6 step natural approach to bone health in my online courses.