Natural treatment for osteoporosis

By 15 years ago

It’s just not true that osteoporosis can only be treated with drug therapy. A natural program of nutritional and lifestyle changes can be as or more effective as drug therapy in rebuilding bone. And it comes without side effects. What’s more, it lasts longer—the drugs only affect your bones while you’re taking them, but changes to your diet and lifestyle can last a lifetime!

Natural treatment for osteoporosis begins with adequate nutrition. If you are currently losing bone, it’s important that you understand the value of the proper acid-alkaline balance for bone health and how to maximize your nutrient intake. I also recommend minimizing bone-depleting factors, as described in our Total Load Model.

Natural osteoporosis treatment also involves a practical, individualized bone-strengthening exercise program, since exercise is an important method for building strong bones at any age.

As part of an overall life-supporting program, you should also build digestive strength, and learn how to enhance the strength of your endocrine glands. It’s also good to develop a program to enhance your immunity and reduce overall inflammation, since osteoporosis is now believed to be an inflammatory disorder.

You can try Dr. Brown’s comprehensive supplements in her at-home bone health program, developed with Women’s Health Network. Get her exclusive formulations along with her detailed lifestyle and diet guidance, plus telephone support whenever you need it. Learn more about the Better Bones Program.

I’m Dr. Susan E Brown. I am a clinical nutritionist, medical anthropologist, writer and motivational speaker. Learn my time-tested 6 step natural approach to bone health in my online courses.