My own vitamin D miracle

By 10 years ago

One secret you might not know about me is that my transformation from a cultural anthropologist to a bone health expert was fueled by my passion for understanding the full human potential for optimum health.

This wasn’t just an academic exploration…it was also very personal for me. Like so many women, I was experiencing various health limitations and I wanted to feel better. Even more so, I wanted to attain the fullest possible level of excellent health.

Some of my early health discoveries came almost by accident – such as uncovering the importance of vitamin D due to a cross country move! After returning to New York State after time in sunny California, I began to notice by early winter I developed red, itchy and scaly areas behind both knees. By the end of winter, it was even worse – the back of my knees was extremely inflamed with a constant and annoying itch. I couldn’t even wear tight fitting clothing on my legs. A physician friend suggested that I had psoriasis, an autoimmune disease.

Because this disturbing rash only appeared in the winter, I intuitively thought sun exposure might help. Each early spring I would don my shorts, seek out the sun and within a few weeks the rash would totally disappear. Miraculously to me at the time, this likely autoimmune disorder totally disappeared and didn’t return throughout the years, especially as I have increased my vitamin D supplementation to reach an optimum 50 ng/mL level year-round.

Looking back, I know my little miracle was not really a miracle but a well-recognized action of vitamin D, which is known as a psoriasis treatment.

Whether it is by supplementing with vitamin D, developing our Akaline for Life Diet, or using one of my comprehensive bone-building supplements, I encourage you to take heart and take action for your own personal health. I’m happy to tell you that today I have more energy and endurance, more zest for life and greater overall well-being than I did I was much younger. If you have an interesting vitamin D story, I’d love to hear about it!

I’m Dr. Susan E Brown. I am a clinical nutritionist, medical anthropologist, writer and motivational speaker. Learn my time-tested 6 step natural approach to bone health in my online courses.

Tags: Vitamin D