Food Sources of Vitamin D

By 10 years ago

Most of the vitamin D our bodies need is made by the exposure of our skin to sunlight. However, people in northern climates do not get sufficient sunlight exposure during late autumn and winter to trigger vitamin D synthesis in the skin. Although few foods contain the amount of vitamin D that most people need on a daily basis, below are foods that can help boost your vitamin D intake.


International Units

Milk, nonfat, reduced fat, and whole, vitamin D fortified, 1 cup 98 IU
Margarine, fortified, 1 Tbsp (not a wholesome food) 60 IU
Butter, 1 Tbsp 10 IU
Fish and seafood
Cod liver oil, 1 Tbsp 1,360 IU
Salmon, cooked 3½ oz. 360 IU
Mackerel, cooked 3½ oz. 345 IU
Sardines, canned in oil, drained, 3½ oz. 270 IU
Eel, cooked 3½ oz. 200 IU
Atlantic Herring (pickled), 3½ oz. 680 IU
Eastern Oysters (steamed), 3½ oz. 642 IU
Catfish (steamed/poached), 3½ oz. 500 IU
Skinless Sardines (water packed), 3½ oz. 480 IU
Mackerel (canned/drained), 3½ oz. 450 IU
Smoked Chinook Salmon, 3½ oz. 320 IU
Small Clams (steamed/cooked moist), 3½ oz. 8 IU
Blue Crab (steamed), 3½ oz. 4 IU
Fortified Cold Cereals
Dry Cereal, fortified w/40 IU of vitamin D, ¾ cup 40-50 IU
Organ meats
Beef Liver (braised), 3½ oz. 12-30 IU
Beef Liver (fried), 3½ oz. 12 IU
Pork Liver (braised), 3½ oz. 12 IU
Chicken Liver (simmered), 3½ oz. 12 IU
Lamb Liver (braised), 3½ oz. 20 IU
Beef Tripe (raw), 3½ oz. 12 IU
Beef Kidney (simmered), 3½ oz. 12 IU
Egg, 1 whole (vitamin D is present in yolk) 25 IU

I’m Dr. Susan E Brown. I am a clinical nutritionist, medical anthropologist, writer and motivational speaker. Learn my time-tested 6 step natural approach to bone health in my online courses.

Tags: Vitamin D