Nutrition Detective answers

By 10 years ago

Did you take our Nutrition Detective quiz?

If so here are the answers!  Below you will find the cause of possible nutrient deficiency of the listed symptoms:

Symptom Deficiency
1. Get black and blue easily Vitamin C, Rutin
2. Gums bleed Vitamin C, Rutin
3. Slow wound healing Zinc, Vitamin A
4. Poor night vision Zinc
5. White spots on nails for no reason Zinc
6. Cracked skin behind ears Zinc
7. Loss of sense of taste Zinc
8. Cracks in skin on fingertips Zinc
9. Yellow cast to face and skin B12 and B Complex
10. Muscle cramps or tremors Magnesium, Potassium
11. Enlarged thyroid gland Iodine
12. Burning sensation on feet Pantothenic Acid
13. Crave sweets Chromium
14. Anemic Iron, also B12, Copper or B6
15. Pale tongue and inner eyelid Iron, also B12, Copper or B6
16. Break bones easily Calcium, Magnesium, also Zinc
17. Nocturnal leg cramps Calcium, Magnesium, also Zinc
18. Receding gums Calcium, Magnesium, also Zinc
19. Periodontal disease Calcium, Magnesium, also Zinc
20. Eyes sensitive to light B Vitamins
21. Calluses on inner surface of heel Vitamin A
22. Varicose veins Fiber, Vit. E, Bioflavinoids, Magnesium
23. Poor dream recall B6
24. Tend to grind teeth Calcium, Magnesium
25. Slow growth (children) Zinc
26. Vaginal yeast infections Lactobacillus Acidophilus
27. Nails horizontally ridged Calcium, Magnesium, Minerals
28. Nails soft or brittle Calcium, Magnesium, Minerals
29. Dry skin and/or scalp Essential Fatty Acids
30. Excessive ear wax Essential Fatty Acids
31. Bumpy skin on back of arms/thighs Essential Fatty Acids
32. Stool that sinks Fiber, Water
33. Sensitive to cold, easily chilled Iron
34. Cracks in corner of mouth Riboflavin, B Complex
35. Elevated blood pressure Magnesium, possibly Calcium

I’m Dr. Susan E Brown. I am a clinical nutritionist, medical anthropologist, writer and motivational speaker. Learn my time-tested 6 step natural approach to bone health in my online courses.