Are OsteoStrong Machines As Good As They Say? (+Video)

Q. Are OsteoStrong machines as good as they say?

OsteoStrong® is a rather novel bone-building exercise approach designed to stimulate bone growth through delivery of high intensity loads. The uniqueness of this program is its special exercise machine that delivers intense bone-stimulating loads through four exercises, done just once a week in a noticeably short session. The safe delivery of high loads in such a short period of time is in itself a novel “exercise hack”.

OsteoStrong® uses four near– maximal isometric exercises. This system has been reported to by many individuals build density and strength, so we do like the approach.

If you decide to try the OsteoStrong® system keep a few things to keep in mind. One is that you want to be regular going every week to do the exercises on this special bone-loading machine. And two, remember for best results strength training should be accompanied by the other 5 steps of the Better Bones Better Body Program

Finally, if you decide to give the OsteoStrong® system a try l would love to hear how you like the program and how it worked for you.

I’m Dr. Susan E Brown. I am a clinical nutritionist, medical anthropologist, writer and motivational speaker. Learn my time-tested 6 step natural approach to bone health in my online courses.