How Do I Recover from Compression Fractures? (+ Video)

Q: How do I recover from compression fractures?

Dr. Brown would like individuals to focus on calories, protein, and antioxidants when recovering from a compression fracture. These components all have unique, individual functions. In harmony, they create a well-balanced system for health when trying to speed up fracture healing. You can read more about their individual roles in our Better Bones article, How to Speed Fracture Healing. For comprehensive healing, you may want to consider buying our Fracture Healing Kit, which was put together by Dr. Brown after 15 years of dedicated testing. Besides our How to Speed Fracture Healing booklet, this kit includes 4 supplements specifically chosen by Dr. Brown to speed fracture healing. We have seen years of success when it comes to bone regeneration and want to lend a helping hand! For a simple suggestion, we always encourage rest when recovering from any fracture.

Listen to Dr. Brown talk about compression fracture recovery and how to heal quickly.

I’m Dr. Susan E Brown. I am a clinical nutritionist, medical anthropologist, writer and motivational speaker. Learn my time-tested 6 step natural approach to bone health in my online courses.