Rose was on hormone therapy when she was diagnosed with osteoporosis. Her doctor put her on Fosamax, then Actonel, both of which caused unpleasant side effects. Rose stopped taking hormones and began her own research into her health problems. She came across Dr. Brown’s book, Better Bones, Better Body, and then scheduled an appointment. Now, she is supporting her bone health naturally with diet and lifestyle changes that have made her feel better and much more energetic.
“I was going through menopause and was on the standard hormone therapy (Premarin), which I found out was not really good for you. I had expressed some concern to my doctor about the safety of the drug, but was told it wasn’t a problem. Then, I was diagnosed with osteoporosis and asked if there was anything to do besides Fosamax, but the doctor didn’t know anything [about an alternative treatment]. I tried different medications but had constipation and had to take something for that. And my bones started aching, and I felt like an old person. It hurt to get up. I thought, “This is way out of whack!” So I stopped taking Premarin and took progesterone. When I had my new DEXA test, things had gotten worse.
“I started doing my own research and came across Dr. Brown’s book, which was highly recommended for people with osteoporosis — but I wanted to talk with her directly. She reviewed all my tests and pointed out some things in the tests that the other doctors hadn’t noticed.
“My doctor didn’t think there was a problem with my vitamin D level, but Dr. Brown did. So I started D supplements. She believed I had an endocrine problem and looked at my thyroid test. The test results were high, even though my old doctor thought I was fine.
“So with these new directions, we started correcting things. Dr. Brown put me on program with K2 and specialized mineral supplements, and my NTx eventually dropped to 29. Dr. Brown’s the one who put things right. Now I have a good handle on it and can manage it. With Dr. Brown, she works with you and doesn’t treat you like every other person. Each case is dealt with on an individual basis because we’re all different.
“With my health situation, lots of things have improved. My body does not react well to pharmaceuticals. I’ll have a good portion of the side effects. The natural approach works much better for me. I’m so grateful to her.
“I should have been the poster child for a bad diet. I thought I would roll over and die when I couldn’t have a bite of sugar, and I LOVED coffee. Nothing better than a big cup of coffee and a piece of cake for breakfast.
“It was hard the first month or so, but I’d been told if you can do it for three weeks, you won’t crave it. I didn’t believe it, but it was true. I looked at it like a new adventure. It’s been about three years since I’ve been on the diet, and I really don’t want sugar now. I immediately lost weight. I was 136 pounds, and now I’m maintaining around 120, which is what I was when I got married 25 years ago. Once you’re eating the right foods, you maintain your weight where you should be.
“I was prematurely gray but now (my hair) is shiny and glossy. And my skin? I had crow’s feet, which have disappeared, and I noticed after a few months the fine lines are gone too. Finally one of my friends said, ‘Your skin really looks good.’ She noticed that my wrinkles and crow’s feet were gone! That was a really pleasant thing I didn’t know would happen. And I don’t have flare-ups with rosacea anymore. I realize how big a part sugar played in rosacea.
“People need to take responsibility for their own health. We do not live in a time where we can just leave it to standard medicine anymore. I learned it the hard way. So educate yourself and get with a doctor who know what they are doing—like Dr. Brown. Be treated for your (specific) situation, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach like standard medicine does.”
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