Q. Is it okay to use hormones after menopause?
Dr. Brown has never been a full supporter of estrogen hormones after menopause. Her book, Better Bones, Better Body, published 20 years ago, is subtitled Beyond Estrogen and Calcium. At the time this was contrary to medical practice, but recent studies have since shown hormone replacement therapy to be risky and people are being discouraged from using it. Many say the risks that come with this therapy outweigh the benefits, even for bone. These risks include heart disease, clots, strokes, and more. Everyone can make their own decision based on past and current research, but here at the Center for Better Bones we do not endorse hormone therapy. For more information on research on this topic, read our article Estrogen Therapy Isn’t an Option Anymore.
Listen to Dr. Brown go over this topic and give her recommendations. Have more questions that need to be answered? Get in contact with our office!